
Top Scams in Venice: Stay Sharp and Scam-Savvy

STLRAxis Team

Venice is a beautiful and romantic city, but also a popular destination for tourists. Unfortunately, this means that some people try to take advantage of visitors by scamming them out of their money or valuables. Here are some of the most common scams in Venice and how to avoid them.

1. The Picture Scam

This scam involves a local asking you to take their picture with their camera. They hand you their camera and pose, but then they claim that you have damaged their camera or that you owe them money for taking their picture. They may also try to grab your own camera or phone while you are distracted. To avoid this scam, politely decline to take anyone’s picture or use your own device instead.

2. The Friendly ATM Helper

This scam involves someone approaching you at an ATM and offering to help you avoid local bank fees. They may pretend to be a bank employee or a fellow tourist. They may ask for your card and PIN, or they may insert a device into the ATM that skims your card information. To avoid this scam, never accept help from strangers at ATMs and always cover your PIN when entering it.

3. The “Friendly” Bar Friends

This scam involves someone befriending you at a bar or a restaurant and inviting you to join them for a drink or a meal. They may seem friendly and charming, but they are actually working with the establishment to inflate your bill with expensive items or hidden charges. They may also try to distract you while someone steals your belongings. To avoid this scam, be wary of overly friendly strangers who invite you to join them and always check your bill carefully before paying.

4. The Bird Poop Scam

This scam involves someone throwing or spraying something on you that looks like bird poop or other dirt. They then offer to help you clean it off, but in reality they are trying to pickpocket you or steal your bag while you are distracted. To avoid this scam, do not let anyone touch you or your belongings and walk away from anyone who tries to help you.

5. The Guessing Game Scam

This scam involves someone setting up a table with three cups and a ball. They invite you to play a game where you have to guess which cup has the ball under it. They may let you win the first time, but then they increase the stakes and use sleight of hand to trick you into losing your money. They may also have accomplices who pretend to be other players or spectators who encourage you to play or distract you. To avoid this scam, do not play any games with strangers on the street and walk away from anyone who tries to pressure you into playing.

6. The Friendship Bracelet Scam

This scam involves someone approaching you and offering you a free friendship bracelet or another item. They may tie it around your wrist or hand it to you, but then they demand money for it or claim that it is a sign of friendship and that you have to buy something else from them. They may also try to grab your wrist or bag while you are distracted. To avoid this scam, do not accept any free items from strangers and walk away from anyone who tries to force something on you.

Planning to explore other enchanting Italian cities? Make sure you’re scam-savvy everywhere you go! Check out our scam awareness guides for Rome and Milan to stay prepared and protect your travel memories.

Learn more about biggest travel scams at Venice in this video


Venice attracts millions of visitors for good reason. But travelers should stay alert and avoid becoming victim to common scams. Using smart practices like securing belongings, scrutinizing prices, and avoiding sketchy offers will help ensure a magical visit.