· offline scams · 4 min read

Top 10 Scams in Paris and How to Avoid Them

Discover the top 10 scams that target tourists in Paris, and learn how to identify, react to, and avoid falling victim to them.

Discover the top 10 scams that target tourists in Paris, and learn how to identify, react to, and avoid falling victim to them.

Paris, the capital of France, is renowned for its rich history, iconic landmarks, and vibrant culture. However, like any other major tourist destination, Paris is not exempt from scam artists who prey on unsuspecting visitors. To help you navigate the city safely, here are the top 10 scams in Paris, along with tips on how to spot, react, and avoid them, plus ways to seek help if needed.

1. The Gold Ring Scam

  • How to spot: Someone “finds” a seemingly valuable gold ring and offers to sell it to you for a token amount.
  • How to react: Politely decline and walk away.
  • How to avoid: Be cautious of strangers offering such deals and remember that if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

2. The Friendship Bracelet Scam

  • How to spot: An individual approaches you and attempts to tie a friendship bracelet on your wrist without your consent, then demands money for it.
  • How to react: Refuse and remove the bracelet yourself if necessary.
  • How to avoid: Stay aware of your surroundings, avoid engaging with street vendors, and keep your hands free to prevent unwanted interactions.

3. The “Broken” Metro Ticket Machine Scam

  • How to spot: Someone appears helpful and tries to assist you with a broken ticket machine.
  • How to react: Politely decline assistance and contact metro staff if needed.
  • How to avoid: Use ticket machines in busy, well-lit areas, and verify that the machine is genuinely broken before seeking help from metro personnel.

4. The Fake Petition Scam

  • How to spot: Individuals approach you with a petition, distractively asking for donations while pickpocketing your belongings.
  • How to react: Politely decline and keep a firm grip on your belongings.
  • How to avoid: Be cautious of signing petitions presented by strangers and keep your valuables secure.

5. The “Ring” Finding Scam

  • How to spot: A stranger pretends to find a ring on the ground and insists on sharing the moment with you, then asks for money.
  • How to react: Politely decline and continue on your way.
  • How to avoid: Be wary of anyone approaching you with such a story and avoid engaging in their scam.

6. The Distracted ATM Scam

  • How to spot: Someone distracts you while you’re using an ATM, attempting to steal your card or cash.
  • How to react: Stay vigilant, cover the keypad while entering your PIN, and don’t let anyone approach or distract you while using the machine.
  • How to avoid: Use ATMs in well-lit, secure locations, preferably inside banks or official buildings.

7. The Sacré-Cœur Friendship Bracelet Scam

  • How to spot: Individuals offer you a friendship bracelet near the Sacré-Cœur, then aggressively demand payment.
  • How to react: Politely decline, remove the bracelet if necessary, and walk away.
  • How to avoid: Be cautious and avoid accepting anything from strangers near popular tourist spots.

8. The “Found” Gold Chain Scam

  • How to spot: A person finds a gold chain on the ground, offers to sell it to you at a low price, and then switches it for a fake upon payment.
  • How to react: Politely decline and keep walking.
  • How to avoid: Do not engage with strangers offering to sell jewelry, especially if the deal seems suspiciously advantageous.

9. The Ticket Inspector Scam

  • How to spot: Someone posing as a ticket inspector accuses you of having an invalid ticket and demands a fine.
  • How to react: Ask for identification or seek assistance from actual ticket inspectors or metro staff.
  • How to avoid: Purchase valid tickets from authorized sources and ensure you’re familiar with the ticket validation process.

10. The “Deaf” Signature Scam

  • How to spot: Someone approaches you with a fake petition and requests a donation, using the guise of being deaf.
  • How to react: Politely refuse and walk away.
  • How to avoid: Be skeptical of strangers asking for money and avoid signing or donating to unrecognized petitions.

How to Get Help

If you encounter any scam or require assistance while in Paris, don’t hesitate to seek help. Report incidents to the local police or contact your embassy for guidance and support. Stay alert, trust your instincts, and don’t let these scams deter you from enjoying the beauty and charm of Paris.

Make sure to check out our other scam guides.

Remember, knowledge is your best defense against scams. By staying informed and following these guidelines, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip to the City of Light.

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